Integrate Microsoft Teams into the Contact Centre

Incorporate the communication and collaboration capabilities of Teams into the contact centre. Increase operational productivity and improve the customer experience. Seamlessly enable your back-office support for your front-line agents.

The impact of COVID-19 across the globe has exponentially increased the adoption of Microsoft Teams as a means for organisations to communicate and collaborate, especially while working remotely.

FourNet takes Teams beyond internal employee collaboration by integrating Teams into the contact centre. Our multi-channel contact centre capabilities provide your customers access to your contact centre agents via their channel of choice; the Microsoft Teams shared workspace then enables your agent to effortlessly engage back-office experts to provide the best resolution available for each customer contact.

Our Team’s contact centre integrations intelligently manage all contact interaction types – phone calls, voice messages, email, SMS, web chat, social media – in a single, fully integrated solution. For your customers it means quicker response times, and for your organisation the results are lower operational costs and exceptional efficiency gains.

Key benefits of integrating Teams into the contact centre

Integrating Teams into the contact centre offers quantifiable improvements in operational efficiency and customer experience accessed via the simple, easy-to-use Teams interface.

Simple user experience

Findings from Aberdeen’s October 2019 Agent Productivity & Performance Management study* shows that on average, agents spend 15% of their time seeking information to do their jobs. Teams directory and presence enables an agent to immediately identify and access a back-office Subject Matter Expert (SME) to help address the customer issue. The agent can easily bring the SME onto a customer call with one simple click; using screen sharing and screen control the SME can quickly resolve customer issues, thereby reducing call backs and increasing first-time resolution.

*Aberdeen Research: The ROI of Integrating United Communications and Contact Centre, Jan 2020; stats compare contact centre performance of those who have integrated UC into the contact centre.

Monitor and Improve Performance

Grant visibility and ease of collaboration for agents, supervisors and back-office resources via user-profiles embedded into Teams. Managers can easily view queues and available agents; track service levels, average handle time and get KPI alerts. Supervisors can track and monitor performance. Agents can easily see queued calls and monitor their own performance. Available via any device: PC, mobile or tablet.

Need help optimising your MS Teams environment?

FourNet can advise on your current Teams implementation to help you to make the most of your investment and enhance your customer and colleague experience.


CRM Integration

Screen pops & caller identification:
full CRM integration delivers improved context and history for every interaction.

Skills based routing

Intelligent routing delivers prioritised, queued interactions to the right agent every time

Directory Searching and Presence

Instantly identify and connect with available subject matter expert

Call Categorization and Wrap-ups

Agents can easily categorise calls and provide wrap-up information in the simple Teams interface

Agent State

Agents are empowered to manage their own availability, easily visible to everyone via Teams

Customer self service

Purpose-built IVR, mobile navigator tools, and full Knowledge Management suite to quickly deploy self-service applications

Quality Management and Compliance

Speech and interaction recording with full suite of quality management tools

Graphical Reporting

Out-of-box and custom reporting to track performance and KPIs

Real-time Dashboards

Personal and centre-wide dashboards empower agents and supervisors

Results and ROI

FourNet work with each of our customers to help them build their own business case to identify the return on investment of integrating Unified Communications into the contact centre.

Research by Aberdeen which compared the performance improvements observed by contact centres that empower their agents with UC capabilities to those that don't, shows that streamlining communication and collaboration for agents is vital to empower them to help delight clients.

Benefits of Incorporating UC capabilities within the contact centre:

50% greater annual increase in agent productivity (10.8% vs. 7.2%)**
Decrease (improve) average handle times by 2.9 times more year-over year (7.9% vs.2.7%)**
80% greater annual decrease (improvement) in number of customer complaints (9.7% vs. 5.4%)**

Benefits of MS Teams:

Time savings of between 1.1 – 8 hours saved per user per week*
Payback < 6 months*

*Forrester: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Teams, April 2019
** Aberdeen Research: The ROI of Integrating United Communications and Contact Centre, Jan 2020; stats compare contact centre performance of those who have integrated UC into the contact centre

Improve customer experience and drive CSAT

Customer experience (CX) has become a strategic differentiator and creating happy customers and retaining them is a top priority. A contact centre is often the first touch-point customers have with your organisation, so making it easy for agents to find and access information across the business and collaborate with peers within the contact centre and beyond is of utmost importance to successfully address client needs. If employees address customer needs, the CX improves.

Increase productivity and operational efficiency

Forecast and model the economic impact of increased first-time resolution, decreased customer complaints, improvements in average handle time and overall impact of increase in agent productivity; combined with how increased customer satisfaction increases retention and customer lifetime value.

Improve collaboration and enable innovation

Share customer insight and analyst research that helps forecast the benefits of improved collaboration within and outside the organisation to drive innovation. The ease of co-authoring, version control, searching and accessing the right documents and setting up formal or informal collaboration calls with colleagues and external collaborators.

Direct cost savings

Identify all costs that go into supporting the existing communications infrastructure and highlight software, hardware and support cost savings across expenditure on conferencing; mobile, fixed line and NGN minutes; network infrastructure and on-premise telephony and support. Beyond this there are reductions in expenditure on business travel and overnight trips that directly impact the bottom line.

Speed to deploy

With no infrastructure required; direct routing to integrate all telephony into Teams can be delivered within 10 working days. Not only this, a Teams integrated voice contact centre with call recording can be delivered in days, not months using our sprint methodology

Legend: FourNet & Customer Responsibilities


Best in breed technology partners

FourNet's customers include some of the most secure, critical and commercially driven organisations in the UK. Our expertise lies in transitioning and integrating complex, legacy systems to deliver the latest communication, collaboration, and contact centre capabilities that enable our customers to deliver their customer experience and digital transformation goals. We have trusted, long-term business partnerships with many of the global market-leading technology vendors. We work with best-of-breed technology partners to create award winning solutions and our MS Teams solutions are based on our partnerships with world leading communication and contact centre software vendors.

Enghouse Interactive

NICE inContact


Enghouse Interactive

FourNet have partnered with Enghouse for over 10 years and are an Enghouse Gold Partner and Contact Centre Specialist. Enghouse Interactive is a global provider of customer interaction management solutions. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Enghouse has worked with Microsoft for more than 12 years and have deployed leading-edge contact centres in a Microsoft environment for more than 600 customers. Enghouse participates in the Microsoft Teams Connected Contact Centre certification program and offers cloud and on-premise contact centre options for Microsoft Teams.

NICE inContact

FourNet are one of only two NICE inContact UK partners. Recognized as a market leader by Gartner, Forrester, Ventana, Ovum, Frost and DMG, NICE inContact supports over 430,000 contact centre agents in enterprise, midmarket, government organizations and business process outsourcers (BPOs) across the world. NICE are a Microsoft One Commercial Partner (OCP) and members of the IP Co-Sell Program.


FourNet are an Avaya Diamond Cloud Integrator and have won multiple Avaya awards during our 15-year partnership including the International Cloud Partner of the Year for the last two years running. Our Avaya Teams integrations work for on-premise Avaya solutions enabling organisations to bring the best of Microsoft Teams to Avaya's world class communication and contact centre infrastructure.

Explore other MS Teams solutions from FourNet

Add the ability to make and receive external calls into your Teams environment

Whilst MS Teams has enabled better communication and collaboration internally within an organisation, connecting with people and making calls outside of the organisation in the same way hasn't been possible. Now with our Teams Direct Routing solution, you can enable full voice capability natively into MS Teams.

Measure productivity in the 'new normal' with Teams Data Analytics

All the activity on MS Teams is generating huge amounts of data. Reveal patterns in technology use, measure productivity and engagement, and help teams work more effectively with the Microsoft Teams analytics module. Monitor every interaction on MS Teams, across voice and video calling, instant messaging and multiple other apps to provide valuable insights.

Combine virtual and face to face meetings with a Teams Meeting Room

Teams Meeting Rooms offer a new way to have collaborative experiences no matter where you are working. With Teams Meeting Rooms you can combine virtual and face to face meetings to create a rich, collaborative experience for everyone.

Meet compliance and training needs with our Teams Call Recording solution

Call recording can still be achieved within a Microsoft Teams environment, to help meet compliance, verification and training needs, with the help of the Agile Interaction Recorder (AIR) Teams call recording solution. AIR Teams recording offers the ability to record all participant calls, with the peace of mind, that only authorised users can playback and listen to the recorded calls, based on their user access levels and hierarchical status.

Back to Business - A Hybrid Workforce

The 2021 working landscape is effectively a balance between the old ways and the new and will result in significantly less office-based working than pre-2020. We explore what the return to the office might look like in our latest whitepaper on Remote Working.

Download our Contact Centre Integration brochure