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Great topics, speakers, and insight

We wanted our customers to get real value from the day and hosted a number of engaging and informative sessions, covering a wide variety of technology-relevant topics. Supported by industry experts, these sessions delivered insight and tips to help you understand and overcome challenges in your organisation.

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Technology partners

Thank you to all our technology partners for helping organise this event and you can get in touch with them by clicking this button.

Get the session recordings below

Bryan Glick

Bryan Glick delivers an insightful look into the technology and trends driving digital transformation and a look at the top priorities for both Public and private sector organisations.

"Expectations have been reset in boardrooms, who are now looking at what can be achieved, and what being a truly digital organisation means"

Oliver Bareham

How can you use data insight and analytics to understand and improve your CX journey, improve efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage?

"Being outcome focused is important, what is the end goal? and how can you achieve it"

Security Round Table

Join our industry experts as they discuss and answer questions on what the future network looks like and what we need to consider to deliver a truly adaptive and secure network.

"The demands and way we consume technology has changed, how do we deliver the services and security for both now and future business"

Evolution of Cloud and FourNet's Roadmap

Discover how the drive to cloud is shaping the market and how FourNet cloud services have evolved to deliver secure Public, Private and Community Cloud to empower transformation and the roadmap for the future.

"With the Cloud First movement, our services have evolved to deliver the right solutions for both the public sector and enterprise"