We’ve included a link to a message from our CEO, Richard Pennington, which explains the reason for the rebrand on both our current website and our new website that’s coming soon.

On the 15/05/20 we updated all employees about the launch of the new brand and website.  Our intention is to go public on 01/06/20 so we are using this two-week gap to communicate directly with all our customers, suppliers and partners.

Nothing. There is no change to the limited trading company or bank details. We just want to make you aware that our email addresses are changing to the new domain: @fournet.co.uk so you don’t get a surprise when the emails switch over on the 1st June.

Yes, the old @4net-technologies will continue to work and will be forwarded to the relevant individual or group within FourNet. You will receive responses from the new @fournet.co.uk email addresses.

Customer invoices will be received from accountsreceivable@fournet.co.uk

Supplier communications will come from accountspayable@fournet.co.uk

The old @4net-technologies.com emails will continue to work so do not worry about emails going missing.

Our new website address is www.fournet.co.uk – this is currently live but currently not indexed by Google. We are still doing final snagging and will launch the website publicly on 1st June.

The new website has a link that takes you straight to the billing portal:

Your current login details will still work as normal.