Cisco Duo: enhancing identity security with multi-factor authentication and device trustworthiness

A person’s username and password are no longer enough to protect an individual’s identity. However, with multi-factor authentication (MFA) the risk of a hacker getting access to critical data is significantly reduced.

Cisco Duo enables secure connections to applications (on premises or in the cloud). Using MFA and contextual user access policies, organisations can verify an employee’s identity to ensure they are who they say they are whilst adding further checks on the trustworthiness of devices through security health inspections.

Protect Duo provides strong user authentication, device security, hygiene checking and visibility

FourNet's Protect Duo enables you to safeguard all users, devices, and applications so you can stay focused on what you do best


Multi-factor authentication from Cisco Duo protects your applications by using a second source of validation, like a phone or token, to verify user identity before granting access. Duo is engineered to provide a simple, streamlined login experience for every user and application, and as a cloud-based solution, it integrates easily with your existing technology.

Duo Access

Duo Access adds policy and control over which users, devices, and networks are permitted to access organisation applications. It analyses user behaviour, location, and device parameters and gives you the power to set more precise authentication policies.

Duo Beyond

To regain trust of your endpoints, Duo Beyond empowers you to identify corporate vs. personal devices, block untrusted devices, and give your users secure access to internal applications, seamlessly.

Minimise cost, extend your team and maximise protection with FourNet Protect Duo