Webinar Recap: The Role of Automation in the Public Sector, and How to Plan for Success

Corporate Responsibility Customer Experience Government Healthcare

June 20, 2024

In our latest webinar, we reviewed the pivotal role of automation in the public sector and how to strategically plan for successful implementation. The webinar featured insights from industry experts and practical examples, we unpacked how automation can transform public sector services and help deliver the right outcomes and save on under pressure budgets.   

Here is a quick recap of the highlights. 

 Facing the Challenges 

 The public sector is grappling with numerous challenges--tight budgets, increasing social care demands, housing issues, and the push for economic development. These pressures, combined with stringent regulatory requirements and the drive for digital transformation, make automation not just beneficial but essential.  

As our experts pointed out, “Between 69% and 85% of all digital transformation projects fail due to unclear objectives, lack of leadership, and unrealistic expectations.” 

 The Power of Automation  

Automation can streamline operations, cut costs, and improve service delivery significantly. Imagine reducing the time and complexity of processes like reporting issues or handling customer inquiries. This shift allows more focus on critical, value-added interactions.   

However, getting transformation right to achieve these benefits isn't black and white. To realise the benefits of new technology, Caroline Thomas pointed out that “It’s crucial to understand and map out your current operational model before jumping into new technologies.” 

 Real-World Example 

 During this session, we shared a case study from our recent work with a UK local authority. By optimising existing processes and enhancing workforce management, they achieved substantial savings and improved efficiency--all without immediately deploying new technology. This strategic groundwork has paved the way for future tech integrations. “Getting the foundational processes right is key,” our experts stressed. 

 Strategies for Success 

 To navigate the automation journey successfully, we highlighted a structured, multi-phase approach: 

  1. Analyse & Assess: Start by reviewing current processes, outcomes, and data to gauge the effectiveness of your existing model. 
  2. Design & Develop: Identify enhancements to tackle business challenges and improve outcomes. 
  3. Optimise: Deploy optimised processes for data, planning, and agent journeys to maximise efficiency. 
  4. Enhance: Introduce new tools and processes to boost agent effectiveness. 
  5. Transform: Use technology to streamline customer interactions and reduce unnecessary contacts. 

 This process helps sidestep common pitfalls in digital transformation projects, ensuring smoother transitions and better results. 


Tangible Benefits  

Our webinar showcased how automation delivers real-world benefits, such as, implementing self-service options and cutting down avoidable contacts can free up valuable resources. Automation also supports compliance by providing advanced analytics to track and report performance metrics effectively. “Automation leads to tangible benefits, freeing up resources to focus on high-value tasks,”. 

 Moving Forward 

 As the public sector evolves, embracing automation is crucial to overcoming challenges and achieving operational excellence. the webinar provided a comprehensive roadmap for planning and implementing successful automation strategies, backed by real-world examples and expert insights. 

Watch it on demand, below: 


Stay tuned for more insights and updates on our projects and future webinars. If you need further assistance, please reach out to our team.