June 17, 2024

Zero Trust – The Influence of AI and Cyber Risks on Elections

Cybersecurity Government Security Technologuy

As we approach the final stages of the UK Election and the dramatic US elections fast approaches, the intersection of cyber risks and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are redefining electoral integrity. These risks are presenting new challenges to democratic processes and what we as voters need to be mindful of to ensure that we get clarity and the truth to make informed decisions.

In this blog post, we share some of the key cybersecurity risks to general elections and insights into how to navigate election disinformation and risk.

AI-Driven Disinformation

AI, including large language models and deepfakes, facilitates the creation of realistic fake content, misleading voters and spreading false narratives. A recent report indicates that major AI chatbots, like ChatGPT and Microsoft’s Copilot, are disseminating incorrect voting information across Europe, potentially compromising election integrity​.

Not all polls and surveys are created equal. Check the methodology and source of any polling information before taking it at face value. Reliable polls will provide details on how data was collected and analysed.

Cybersecurity Threats

Election systems face sophisticated cyber risks, including hacking, voter database manipulation, and ransomware. The UK Cyber Security Agency has highlighted AI’s growing threat to the upcoming general election. AI enhances phishing attacks and creates more believable fake news, which complicates truth verification for voters​.

Election Interference Tactics

State-sponsored and criminal actors exploit AI and cyber vulnerabilities for election interference. Personalised disinformation campaigns, using spear phishing and social engineering, aim to create discord, suppress votes, and undermine electoral confidence​.

How to Mitigate Election Risk

Elections are a critical time for any democracy, and ensuring their integrity is paramount. In the UK, mitigating cyber risks around elections requires a proactive and multi-faceted approach. Here are some practical tips to help you navigate these risks:

Protect Personal Information

At the time of election, Phishing for information can increase. Be mindful of phishing attempts that seek to steal your personal information. Avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading attachments from unknown senders. Use strong, unique passwords for your online accounts and enable multi-factor authentication where possible.

Use Secure Communication Channels

If you’re discussing sensitive election information, use secure communication channels. Apps that offer end-to-end encryption, like Signal or WhatsApp, are safer options for private conversations. Taking these proactive steps can significantly reduce the risk of being misled during the election period. At FourNet, we're dedicated to providing the solutions and expertise needed to protect the integrity of the electoral process. Let’s work together to ensure a secure and trusted election.


AI and cyber risks present significant challenges to maintaining electoral integrity. Collaboration among stakeholders is crucial to developing and implementing strategies that ensure fair and secure elections. In the digital era, truth is harder to discern from online sources. Trust should not be implied, and like a Zero Trust Access Layer on the network, we need to search for supporting opinions from trusted sources before making conclusions we read online.

If you are worried about your cybersecurity posture or wish to implement a Zero Trust policy across your network, talk with our team, who can arrange an initial free Cyber Security Assessment.